Anhar Department Jhelum Canal Division Jobs 2024 announce the Contract career opportunities for the post of See Below Ad in Punjab, Jhelum for the fresh and experienced candidates on Contract basis who have Check Advertisement degree. Posted date of this post is 10/07/2024 and the last date is 22/07/2024. if you are eligible for this job apply before due date.
Note: Applications in the name of Executive Engineer Jhelum Canal Division Jhelum - Sarwar Road Canal Colony Jhelum Cantt dated 2207.2024 Dokhtri Messengers will be sent to the office for hours.Conditions:
Residents of Punjab are eligible to apply, but those who are resident or close to one person within the limits of office block and experienced workers working on land block.
Employees will be remunerated.
2 Candidates' applications should be written in plain handwriting and signed, attested copies of Domicile Certificate, National Identity Card and other educational documents.
Attached to the application. 3 All posts shall be purely temporary and no aspirant shall seek permanent employment in any court of law.
Nor shall it be entitled to permanence.
The recruitment of selected and realized charge employees will be for the year 2024-25 only.
A prospective employee may be dismissed from a temporary job at any time without giving notice.
No travel allowance will be given to the candidate for the interview.
The salaries of all the recruited employees will be paid as per the proposed approved Schedule of Wages of the Government of Punjab.
No action will be taken on the applications received after the specified date.
Interview at Sub-Division Funer Jhelum Canal Division Jhelum A-46 Sarwar Road Canal Colony Jhelum Cat dated 23.07.2024 in the morning.
It will be at 11:00.
10 Aspirants appearing for the interview should bring their original documents with them otherwise they will be ineligible for the interview.
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