Ministry of Interior Islamabad
Testing Organization:
Ministry of Interior Islamabad
Announcement Date:
Sun 05 February, 2023
Last Date:
Sun 19 February, 2023
Directorate General of Immigration and Passports DGIP Jobs
Directorate General of Immigration and Passports DGIP Jobs announce the Contract career opportunities for the post of See Below Ad in Federal,Islamabad for the fresh and experienced candidates on Contract basis who have Check Advertisement degree. Posted date of this post is 05/02/2023 and the last date is 19/02/2023. if you are eligible for this job apply before due date.
Vacant Positions:
- AC Technicians
- Assistants
- Call Centre Agents
- Chowkidar
- Data Entry Operators
- Dispatch Riders
- Electricians
- Farash
- Generator Operators
- Helpers/Cleaners
- Lower Division Clerks
- Naib Qasid
- Printing Staff
- Steno Typists
- Support Staff
- Sweepers
- Upper Division Clerks UDC
How to Apply?
- The DGIP has announced employment opportunities for Pakistani Nationals. This engagement invites applications from dedicated, qualified, energetic, and motivated individuals across Sindh, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Ex-FATA, Balochistan, Punjab, and Gilgit Baltistan.
- According to the described quotas, Males/Females may both apply. The quotas for disabled persons and minorities shall also be observed per the Federal Government Rules. Vacancies against provincial quotas are described in the recruitment notification.
- This recruitment announced 238 vacant seats, including Administration Staff, Clerical Staff, Support Staff, and Class IV Staff. Applicants searching for Ministry of Interior Jobs 2023 or Federal Government Jobs are advised to read the details. People may also search for these employment opportunities as Passport Office Jobs.
- Seats are available for Assistants, Steno Typists, Data Entry Operators, Printing Staff, Upper Division Clerks UDC, Call Centre Agents, Generator Operators, AC Technicians, Electricians, Lower Division Clerks, Dispatch Riders, Support Staff, Helpers/Cleaners, Naib Qasid, Chowkidar, Farash, and Sweepers.
- These Passport Office Jobs 2023 are opening for Literate, Primary, Middle, Matriculation, Intermediate, and Bachelor’s Degree holders who fill the skills and experience requirements of the vacant seats.
- The age limit for each seat is posted in the advertisement. The DGIP will grant five years of relaxation in the upper age limit per the Government Rules. Further relaxation will be given to Schedules Castes, Buddhist Communities, Tribal Areas, Government Servants, and Disabled Persons.
- The National Testing Services NTS will conduct this appointment. So, all applicants who meet the eligibility terms and conditions must Apply Online on the NTS website at www.nts.org.pk.
- Candidates who want to apply for serial no. 1 to 12 positions should pay the NTS Application Processing Fee. Candidates applying for Serial No. 13 to 19 vacancies can apply free of cost (without an application processing fee).
- Only Online Applications submitted by the NTS website will be accepted. Persons working in Government Departments shall provide NOC at the time of interviews. Females are encouraged to apply.
- Candidates selected against Serial No. 1, 5 & 10 posts must complete the mandatory NITB Course during one year of probation. The NTS will receive applications till 19th February 2023.
- After scrutinizing applications, the NTS will upload the Roll Number Slips to call them for screening tests. So, applicants must keep in touch with the NTS website to get the latest updates.
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