District & Session Judge Mirpur Khas Jobs 2024 announce the Contract career opportunities for the post of See Below Ad in Sindh, Mirpurkhas for the fresh and experienced candidates on Contract basis who have Check Advertisement degree. Posted date of this post is 19/04/2024 and the last date is 06/05/2024. if you are eligible for this job apply before due date.
Sr.No. | Name of Post | BPS | No. of Post | Domicile District | Age Limit | Qualification |
1. | Stenographer | BPS-16 | 03 | District Mir Pur Khas | 21 to 25 | 1. Intermediate from a recognized institution
2. Diploma Certificate with a Short head speed of 80 words per minute from a recognized institution
3. Certificate from a recognized institution with a typing speed of 40 words per minute Expert in MS Office
2. |
Computer Operator |
BPS-12 | 01 | District Mir Pur Khas | 21 to 25 | 1. Computer science / IT / Electronics Computer System 2nd Division Class BS Degree, IT or with equivalent Diploma.
2. two years Experience in Operating system and Data Base Knowledge with Operating / Data entry Processing |
3. | Junior Clerk | BPS-11 | 16 | District Mir Pur Khas | 21 to 25 | Intermediate from a recognized institution
Certificate with MS Office Experience |
4. | Belf | BPS-05 | 01 | District Mir Phur Khas | 28 to 20 | Matric |
5. | CCTV Operator | BPS-05 | 01 | District Mir Pur Khas | 28 to 20 | Matric/ Electronic Course or CCTV Operating Experience of 1 year |
6. | Naib Qasid | BPS-03 | 05 | District Mir Pur Khas | 28 to 20 | Primary (Electronics, AC repairing, Book Binder, Sage, painter will be preferred) |
7. | Chowkidar | BPS-03 | 01 | District Mir Pur Khas | 28 to 20 | Primary |
8. | Mali | BPS-02 | 01 | District Mir Pur Khas | 28 to 20 | Primary Pass / Experience in Gardening |
All the candidates at S. No. 1 to 3 are required to fill "Online Job Application Form" and deposit challan / slip of Rs. 800/- (Rupees Eight Hundred only) from www.nts.org.pk Fee of Rs. 800/- may be deposited via 1 Link 1 Bill Participating Banks / ATM / Internet Banking / Mobile Banking / Easy Paisa / Jazz Cash/TCS Express Counter.
2. The candidates applying for the post at S. No. 1 to 3 are required to fill online application form, and do not require to send hard copy of the form and challan to NTS.
Candidate must keep the copy of the application form for any further communication.
No application for the post at S. No. 1 to 3 will be received by hand. For the posts mentioned at S. No. 4 to 8, candidates are required to send their applications along with attested copies of required testimonials, education certificates, character certificate, Domicile / PRC, CNIC, two recent passport size photographs and NOC (in case of Government servant) by post or by hand, addressed to "District and Sessions Judge, Mirpurkhas before the last date.
The last date of submission of application for all posts will be 06th May, 2024.
Applications received in any manner after due date will not be considered / entertained.
Candidate(s) applying for more than one post should apply separately for each post.
The list of eligible and ineligible candidates will be uploaded on NTS website and this Court website and Notice Board for inviting objections, if any.
9. 5% quota reserved for candidate with disabilities. 10. 20% quota reserved for children of deceased retired / serving employees of Judicial District Mirpurkhas for the post mentioned at S. No. 4 to 8 as per policy.
11. Candidate(s) applying against reserved quota should specify in the application.
12. Candidates with disability are required to upload/send CNIC having wheelchair logo issued by NADRA.
13. Female candidates shall also be provided equal opportunity to participate.
14. Government servant should apply through proper channel
15. In case of Government servant who has served in connection with the affairs of the Federation or the province of Sindh for a period not less than 03 (three) years, the upper age limit shall be 30 (thirty) years as per Sindh Judicial Staff Services Rules-1994.
16. Overage candidates if qualified test / interview and selected for appointment on the basis of experience, qualification and skills, the individual cases of successful candidates would be submitted to the High Court of Sindh for relaxation in their upper age limit and approval.
17. For the posts mentioned at S. No. 01 to 03, the candidates obtain 50% Marks in the initial tests shall be called for skilled test by NTS. 18. Dates for written & skilled tests and result of candidate from S. No. 01 to 03 will be announced by "NTS" Testing Service on their official website. The list of successful candidates will be affixed on the Notice Board of District and Sessions Court Mirpurkhas with date for their interview.
19. For the post at S. No. 4 to 8, the interview/ test will be conducted by the Departmental Selection Committee (DSC) of this office.
20. All the candidates shall mention their Mobile / Contact numbers and complete postal address for any further communication.
21. Candidates, at the time of interview, should bring their original documents with application form.
22. Number of vacancies may be increased or decreased.
23. Decision of the Departmental Selection Committee (DSC) of this office shall be final.
24. Incomplete applications or those arrived after the due date will not be entertained and will be rejected without assigning any reason.
25. No TA and DA will be paid for appearing in test / interview. 26.
27. This office reserves the right to cancel or withdraw from the above posts without disclosing the reason at any time / stage.
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