Exim Import & Export Bank Of Pakistan Jobs 2024 announce the Contract career opportunities for the post of See Below Ad in Federal, Islamabad for the fresh and experienced candidates on Contract basis who have Check Advertisement degree. Posted date of this post is 24/10/2024 and the last date is 07/11/2024. if you are eligible for this job apply before due date.
Qualification Experience APPLY NOW! Minimum Bachelor's degree (Master's preferred or equivalent in Business Administration or other relevant fields from a leading local or international university recognised by the Higher Education Commission (HE.C.J of Pakistan Minimum 04(four) years of relevant work experience with minimum 02 two) years of related experience in public sector organisations.
If you possess the credentials in seeking, we want to hear from you.
Apply through https://jp.gov.pk OR send us your Curriculum Vitae (CV/Resume at The Malling address: Head of H.R, Export-Import Bank of Pakistan (EXOM Bank), 5 Floor Exacuee Trust Complex, Agha Khan Road, F-5/1, Islamabad
Deadine for submission of applications is 7 of November, 2024.
EXM Bank reserves the right to reject anyal applications) without assigning any mason whatsoever.
EXCM Bank reserves the right to relocate employees from time to time.
Candidates & their elgbility will be evaluated based on this ad and the vacancy details published on our website and the NJP portal Females and differently abled persons meeting the mentioned qualifications & experience are encouraged to apply
Only candidates shortlisted for interviews will be contacted.
Contributing Towards a Positive Trade Balance
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