Government Printing And Stationary Department Jobs 2024 announce the Contract career opportunities for the post of See Below Ad in Balochistan,Quetta for the fresh and experienced candidates on Contract basis who have Check Advertisement degree. Posted date of this post is 23/10/2024 and the last date is 04/12/2024. if you are eligible for this job apply before due date.
Assistant Computer Operator
Junior Clerk
Sub Engineer
Printing Machine Man
Press Mechanic
Account Clerk
Plate Maker
Time keeper
Copy Paster
Assistant Store keeper
Proof Reader
Photostat Mashine
Globek Binding
(1) All applications for the above mentioned posts must be submitted to the office of the Under-Secretary within 15 days of publication of the advertisement along with certified academic achievement National Identity Card, two (2) recent photographs, local domicile, character and experience transcripts. Block No.
9 Ground Floor Rasul Sikar Bitrin, Zarghun Road Quetta) Office Hours (From 11:00 A.M.
Submissions can be made up to 4 pm except on Saturdays and Sundays.
Applications received after Takkal or due date will not be considered.
The age limit will be as per the Roter prescribed by Government of Balochistan. Also, the department reserves the right to reduce or reject all the above posts without assigning any reason.
The practical test for the technical posts will be held in this department, the dates of which will be announced later through the newspaper.
The application form can be obtained from the department at 10 p.m. Separately for each vacancy Submit the form.
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