Interview in Ghazi University Dera Ghazi Khan announce the Contract career opportunities for the post of See Below Ad in Punjab, Dera Ghazi Khan for the fresh and experienced candidates on Contract basis who have Check Advertisement degree. Posted date of this post is 25/08/2022 and the last date is 02/09/2022. if you are eligible for this job apply before due date.
Visiting Lecturer
Applications are invited from qualified applicants for (Ghazi University Dera Ghazi Khan Jobs 2022). Candidates who are looking for Jobs in DG Khan should apply.
The Ghazi University is seeking applications for the recruitment of Visiting Faculty purely on Lecturer Basis for Academic Session 2022-23.
Visiting Lecturers are required for Environmental Sciences, Agriculture Extension, Food Sciences, Psychology, Saraiki, Balochi, and Philosophy.
Candidates holding Master’s Degree, M.Phil, and Ph.D. Degree may apply for these vacancies. Candidates can directly appear in the interview on 2 September 2022.
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