Joint Hospital Awarran Balochistan Jobs 2023 announce the Contract career opportunities for the post of See Below Ad in Balochistan, Awaran for the fresh and experienced candidates on Contract basis who have Check Advertisement degree. Posted date of this post is 16/08/2023 and the last date is 24/08/2023. if you are eligible for this job apply before due date.
Applications along with CV and attested copies of all educational and experience certificates, CNIC, updated Registration, passport-size colored photograph may be sent through e-mail in PDF format latest by or before 24 August 2023 at following e-mail address.
Incomplete and irrelevant applications will not be accepted / entertained.
Interviews will be conducted at DHQ hospital Awaran / online (via WhatsApp / Zoom) on 26 August 2023.
Applicants to contact on following cell number before conduct of interviews to coordinate for smooth conduct of online interviews.
E-mail: Cell Number: 0331-5552391 1.
The Appointment will not be considered as a right and will be subject to clearance / NOC from previous employment / regularization/extension.
The decision of Recruitment Committee will not be challenged in any court of law at any stage.
There may be increase or decrease in posts/salary.
The recruitment committee may consider hiring of retired employee in case of non-availability of suitable candidate or a candidate possesses higher qualification, suitable experience & competency.
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