Lahore Electric Supply Company LESCO Lahore
Testing Organization:
Lahore Electric Supply Company LESCO Lahore
Announcement Date:
Fri 07 June, 2024
Last Date:
Tue 25 June, 2024
Lahore Electric Supply Company LESCO Lahore Jobs 2024
Lahore Electric Supply Company LESCO Lahore Jobs 2024 announce the Contract career opportunities for the post of See Below Ad in Punjab, Lahore for the fresh and experienced candidates on Contract basis who have Check Advertisement degree. Posted date of this post is 07/06/2024 and the last date is 25/06/2024. if you are eligible for this job apply before due date.
- Assistant customer services
- Engineer electrical
- Assistant manager accounts
- Assistant manager electrical
- assistant manager hr
How to Apply?
- Detailed Job Description / Skill Set and other specification of each posts are available on OTS and LESCO website.
- Applicants are advised to read the following instructions carefully before filling online application available on Open Testing Service (OTS) website with this advertisement.
- The applicants are advised to fill correct information (personal, academic and experience) in the online application. Any change after submission of application will not be accepted. INSTRUCTIONS & GENERAL CONDITIONS
- All appointments shall be purely on contract basis at market based lump sum package, non-pensionable, with no long term benefits and shall not be converted into permanent positions at later stage.
- Applicants will be on six months' probation period.
- M/s Open Testing Service (OTS) will charge 50% of fee openly from applicant & rest of 50% shall be paid by LESCO, therefore, each applicant will pay Rs 80/- to the testing agency.
- Candidate's degrees having Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) will be evaluated with HEC standard chart available on HEC website.
- Only those candidates who have completed their degree are eligible to apply.
- Candidates to whom final result card has not been issued or result awaited shall not be considered.
- 6. Candidates already serving in Government / Semi-Government Organization / Autonomous Bodies / SOES should apply through proper channel. Advance copy of the application, however, may be forwarded without obtaining NOC. The candidate will not be allowed to appear in the interview, if he fails to produce NOC from concerned department.
- General age relaxation has already been included in the age mentioned above.
- No further age relaxation is allowed in the prescribed age limit except for candidates belonging to scheduled castes and Buddhists are allowed 3 years age relaxation and the government servants who have completed two years continuous government service on the closing date shall be allowed 10 years relaxation in upper age limit. 8. All relevant Quotas will be observed as mentioned against each posts
- 9. Candidates applying for more than one post must apply separately for each post.
- 10. Minimum passing marks in written test will be 50%.
- 11. Computer knowledge (including MS Office, Windows, Internet & E-mail etc.) is compulsory for the posts mentioned above.
- 12. Only qualified candidates meeting with eligibility criteria mentioned against each post will be allowed to appear in Written Test. Mere passing of written test does not qualify any candidate for employment. 13. Selected candidates can be posted anywhere under the jurisdiction of LESCO as per requirement of the company.
- 14. LESCO reserves the right to decrease/increase the number of posts and cancel the whole recruitment process at any stage without assigning any reason.
- 15. Dismissed / screened out employees of any organization or having criminal record are not eligible for employment in LESCO. The clearance of character and antecedents of the candidates from the agencies/ police shall be mandatory without which no candidate shall be selected.
- 16. Concealment or misrepresentation of facts at any stage will lead to disqualification of a candidate from the current recruitment and from all types of tests/exams to be conducted by the LESCO for recruitment in future. All academic certificates / degree, domicile and police verification shall be verified from respective issuing authority. In case of bogus / fake submission of documents, the employment so offered shall be withdrawn ab-initio and salaries paid will be recovered.
- 17. Any query raised by the applicant at any stage may be resolved at the level of M/s OTS within stipulated time relating to shortlisting, written test and any other associate matters.
- 18. Any litigation pertaining to recruitment tests will be dealt by the testing agency at its own without any liability whatsoever on LESCO.
- 19. No TA/DA will be paid for Written Test/Interview.
- 20. Incomplete applications and the applications received after due date will not be considered. Late submission of applications by Courier Service will have no binding upon LESCO and Testing Agency. 21. Last date for receipt of applications is 25.06.2024.
- i. Please visit OTS Website: www.ots.org.pk for online / offline registration and submission of application. ii. Test fee will be charged to candidates @Rs:80/- per applicant. Test fee shall be paid in any branch of BANK ALFALAH, HBL or ABL on prescribed Bank Challan downloadable from website: www.ots.org.pk iii. Candidates are required to send complete prescribed application form along with attested copies of all educational documents, domicile certificate, CNIC and other relevant documents/experience certificates, two recent passport size photographs as well as original fee challan through courier service/Pakistan post etc. to; Manager Operation (LESCO) Open Testing Service Office No.1, Central Avenue, Bahria Town Phase-VI, ISLAMABAD
- iv. Applications submitted by hand or received after due date will not be entertained.
- v. After applying for post(s), applicants are advised to regularly check Testing Agency website: www.ots.org.pk for important announcement (procedure for roll numbers slip/ written test schedule/Result etc.) related recruitment against stated posts.
- For further information, please contact: UAN: +92 051 111 687 222, info@ots.org.pk WARNING: Candidates are advised that nobody can help you in the selection process, so do not make any contact to any such person who claims that he / she can make your selection possible. LESCO's selection process is transparent according to Government of Pakistan / Ministry of Energy / BOD LESCO approved rules and regulations, so nobody can help any candidate.
- HUMAN RESOURCE DIRECTOR Lahore Electric Supply Company (LESCO)
- PIDL-3868
- 22-A Queens Road, Lahore. Email: www.lesco.gov.pk DMPR#222(2023-24) PID(L) 3868 LAHORE ELECTRIC SUPPLY COMPANY
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