Nfc Institue of Engineering And Technology Jobs 2025 announce the Contract career opportunities for the post of See Below Ad in Punjab, Multan for the fresh and experienced candidates on Contract basis who have Check Advertisement degree. Posted date of this post is 05/01/2025 and the last date is 24/01/2025. if you are eligible for this job apply before due date.
GENERAL Candidates who intend to apply for the Post MBA/BBA (Hons) or M.Com. or MSc Account & Finance or B. Com, 2 division with 5 years' experience in relevant field.
Age:25-40 Years Matriculate with five years driving experience having valid PSV & HTV driving license. Age:20-40 Yearsof Professor & Associate Professor are required to submit five (5) sets on the prescribed form along with attested copies of degrees, result cards, transcripts and certificates with Research Workshop/Publications. In case degree has not been issued, a certificate to that effect signed by the Controller of Examinations might be accepted. In all cases, statement of experience must be supported by certificate from the HR department of employers. Candidate must be registered with PEC/PCATP in case of Engineering & Architecture discipline.
Application forms can be downloaded from NFC-IET candidates are required to submit their applications along with complete CV attested copies of testimonials and two recent passport size photographs.
Candidates applying for more than one post shall submit separate application form & bank draft along with necessary documents, completed in all respects. • Applications must be accompanied with bank draft (non-refundable) or Pay order/postal orders (non-refundable) of amounts in favour of "NFC-IET, Multan)" as per following details. Applications from aboard must send a draft of 30/- (US) Dollar drawn in favour of the NFC-IET, Multan Rs. 5,000/- for the post of Professor, Rs. 4,000/- for the post of Associate Professor, Rs. 3,000/- for the post of Assistant Professor, Rs. 2,000/- for the Post of Lecturer, Lab. Engineer/Teaching Assistant and Rs. 1000/- for the post of Lab. Assistant, Accounts Assistant and Rs.500/- for the post of Driver.
Almost recent passport size photograph should be affixed on the application form.
dates alre already in service of a Government/Semi-Government Department or an Autonomous Body must apply through proper channel within due date, otherwise their application will not t be entertained. Applications received after the last date will not be entertained, even posted before the last date. Incomplete application shall also not be entertained.
Candidates Application must be sent to the official address i.e. "The Registrar, NFC Institute of Engineering & Technology, Khanewal Road, Multan". E-mail application will not be entertained.
Last date for submission of the applications is 24.01.2025 during the office hours.
NOTE:Disabled quota will be observed as per Government directive. If the candidate is disabled he/she will have to submit a certificate from the Provincial Council
for rehabilitation of Disabled Persons of Social Welfare Department.
Merit and provincial/regional quota shall be observed in filling vacancies under the Federal Government directive. Short listing of the Candidates shall be made in accordance with the procedure laid down by the Institute.
Number of posts can be increased/decreased according to the need of the Institute.
Nature of post can be changed according to the need of the Institute.
The Institute reserves the right not to fill/withdrawn any advertised post/withheld the appointment against any post without assigning any reason.
The Institute is not responsible if call letter are not received due to any lapse of Courier, Agency/Post Office/Telephonic message.
ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGYREGISTRARNFC INSTITUTE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY P.O. Fertilizer Project, Khanewal Road, MultanTel: PABX: (061) 9220012-16, Fax: (061) 9220018 E-mail:
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