Office Of Civil Judge Azad Jammu kashmir Jobs 2025 announce the Contract career opportunities for the post of See Below Ad in Azad Jammu Kashmir, Muzaffarabad for the fresh and experienced candidates on Contract basis who have Check Advertisement degree. Posted date of this post is 01/02/2025 and the last date is 14/02/2025. if you are eligible for this job apply before due date.
All applications along with attested copies of educational certificates, ancestral certificate, domicile certificate, computerized identity card, and 2 passport-size photographs should be received at the office of the Civil Judge, Samani, located in the Tehsil Judicial Complex, Samani, during office hours by 14/02/2025.
Applications received after the due date and incomplete applications will not be considered.
Applicants must write their mobile number on the application.
The written test for the required position will be held on 20/02/2025 at the office of the Civil Judge, Samani, located in the Tehsil Judicial Complex, Samani.
Candidates appearing for the test will not be entitled to any TA/DA.
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