Prison Department Sargodha Punjab Jobs 2023 announce the Contract career opportunities for the post of See Below Ad in Punjab,Sargodha for the fresh and experienced candidates on Contract basis who have Check Advertisement degree. Posted date of this post is 02/06/2023 and the last date is 20/06/2023. if you are eligible for this job apply before due date.
Lady Wardan
Officials should send fever and their employees to their constituencies and through their mediation and women.
05 is not reserved for ex-servicemen who should have 10-year Sard or Juma D Chart Certificate (Good Gur Pad). Also,
05 additional marks are allotted under the Marking Criteria of the approved recruitment for promising ex-Forji and Hafiz Quran.
Minority candidates are right for them. Male aspirants will be subjected to color, breast measurement, distance, vision test, written test and interview.
Aspirants file their complaints continuously and the wire is formed. At the end of the review bond, the inspector general goes to the jail and secures the ad panel.
Can be offered to Elkhana houses. His contacts have been grave.
Phone Number Inspector General Jails Punjab : 99200582-99200570/042-042
Ni Nahar Appa Tile A Large Jail 99211747-042
Candidates are identified by Brother Missile, the actual teacher about the merit and importance of medical angel attest and interview in each house.
Freeal, written test and interview date will not be notified separately through newspaper / advertisement. While Amir Daran was informed by Test Message / Ahsa App / Melton / Mobile Phone
will go
The candidate will not be fingered for any kind of influence during the various stages of selection. It may be withdrawn or canceled at any time for any unavoidable reason.
And if the form is standard or the candidates who have landed will have their written test conducted at a center established by the testing service/ agency of Arwal Islami designated by the department.
All candidates have to submit an affidavit that they are not involved / wanted / convicted in any FIR or case.
In case of submission of false affidavit, the candidate will be declared ineligible for recruitment and legal action will be taken. If at any stage during the verification of educational teacher domicile, national identity card medical certificate and Dyan Ali certificate of the candidate is found to be fake or unverified, then the recruitment of Amirdar will be canceled and legal action will be taken.
Applications received on incomplete/false information shall be treated as rejected and not recruited
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