Quaid E Azam Divisional Public School QDPS Jobs 2025 announce the Contract career opportunities for the post of See Below Ad in Punjab, Wazirabad for the fresh and experienced candidates on Contract basis who have Check Advertisement degree. Posted date of this post is 27/02/2025 and the last date is 13/03/2025. if you are eligible for this job apply before due date.
Application Process: Submit the following by post/courier before March 13, 2025: Detailed application/CV Certified copies of qualification & experience certificates
Latest CNIC copy & 2 passport photos Incomplete/late applications will not be considered.
Only shortlisted candidates will be called for interviews.
The decision of the President Board of Governors will be final.
The institution reserves the right to reject applications without assigning any reason.
False information will lead to termination.
The position is contract-based and does not guarantee permanent employment.
Interested candidates should send documents to the provided address.
Applicants must download and fill the Proforma from the provided Google Drive link on the QDPS Wazirabad Facebook page.
Contact:Phone: 055-6608566 Email: ac.wazirabad@gmail.com
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