Sahiwal Institute Of Cardiology SIC Sahiwal Jobs 2024 announce the Contract career opportunities for the post of See Below Ad in Punjab, Sahiwal for the fresh and experienced candidates on Contract basis who have Check Advertisement degree. Posted date of this post is 20/12/2024 and the last date is 10/01/2025. if you are eligible for this job apply before due date.
13. The Department reserves the right to reject any or all applications, or cancel thewhole recruitment process at any stage without assigning any reason.
15. Final terms & conditions of appointment shall be settled at the actual date ofappointment.
Quotas shall be observed as per Recruitment Policy 2022.
16. Decisions of the department on all matters conceming recruitment, includingeligibility/shortlisting/selection criteria shall be final
17. Candidate shall apply online by visiting National Testing Service (NTS)
18. Candidate shall submit duly filled in application form (online), along with deposit slip prescribed fee in the favor of National Testing Service, copy of CNIC and two recent passport size pictures along with all relevant documents (Educational and experience certificates) are to be sent directly to NTS through courier on the address mentioned on application from.
19. Test fee shall be paid to 1 Link 1 Bill participating banks/ATM/Internet Banking/Mobile Banking/ Easy Paisa/Jazz Cash/ TCS Express Counters using 20 digits Invoice Numbers generated in your fee slip. Only 1 Bil invoice will be accepted
20. Incomplete applications or applications received after due dates or closing ofoffice hours on the last date for the submission of application will not be entertained.
.Application in all respects must reach NTS by date10-01-2025 time 03:00 PM.
22. The date of written test will be communicated to the eligible/short-listed candidates only through NTS.
23. Candidates are advised to keep on visiting NTS website for updates.
24. Roll Number Slips shall beuploaded on NTS website before the written test.
25. Candidates shall have at least 50% marks in NTS to pass the test. However, shortlisting for interview will be done as per criteria defined by the department
26. Advertisement can also be downloaded from the website SHC & ME Department ("
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