University Of Veterinary And Animal Sciences Swat Jobs 2023 announce the Contract career opportunities for the post of See Below Ad in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Swat for the fresh and experienced candidates on Contract basis who have Check Advertisement degree. Posted date of this post is 10/06/2023 and the last date is 22/06/2023. if you are eligible for this job apply before due date.
Assistant director finance
Assistant admin officer
Assistant registrar
Office assistant
Laboratory assistant
Assistant director teaching
Associate professor
Naib qasid
Assistant professor
Assistant auditor
Assistant controller examination
Assistant treasurer
Laboratory attendant
Security guard
First Class MS/MPhil equivalent degree awarded after 18 years of education in the relevant field 22-35 from HEC recognized University/Institution with no 3rd division in the academic career, Condition of no 3rd division shall not be applicable in the qualification of appointment as lecturer in Universities or Degree Awarding Institutions provided that the candidate holds Ph.D or equivalent degree with not more than one 3rd division in entire academic career. Candidates must have valid registration with PVMC except Biochemistry and English.
01 Post First division Master's degree or equivalent recognized by HEC OR Second Division Master 22-40 Degree or equivalent recognized by HEC with 05 year's relevant experience in a university or a government department or an autonomous organization in pay scale 17 or its equivalent and above. No third division in entire career.
01 Post First division M.Com/M.B.A. (with specialization in Finance Accounts), ACCA/CA; with five 22-40 years' experience in accounts in a University or a Goverment Department or an Autonomous Organization
01 Post First division M.Com/M.B.A. (with specialization in Accounts), ACCA/CA or Second Class 22-40 M.Com/M.B.A (with specialization in Accounts) with 05 years' experience in accounts in a University or a Government Department or an Autonomous Organization
01 Post First division Master's degree in Agricultural Economics, Agriculture, Computer Science, Social 22-40 Sciences and Management Sciences (16 years) from HEC recognized University Institution with 02 years relevant experience.
01 Post First division Master's degree, or Second Class Master's degree with five years' experience of 22-40 examination work in a University or a Board of Intermediate & Secondary Education.
01 Post First division Master's degree, recognized by HEC in Management Sciences, Public 22-40 administration OR Second Division Master Degree with 02 year's relevant experience in a university or a govemment department or an autonomous organization in pay scale 17 or its equivalent and above
03 Posts Second Class Bachelor's Degree from a recognized University OR Second Class Bachelor's 18-32 Degree in Computer Science, Software Engineers from HEC recognized University
01 Posts MBA/M.Com In at least 2nd division from a recognized University OR BBA/ B.Com in at least 2nd 18-32 division from a recognized University with 3 years' experience in the relevant field.
04 Posts 1. Matriculation 2nd division from a recognized Board.
A speed of 30 words per minute in typing 18-30
05 Posts Matric with Science in at least 2nd Division and 7 years' experience in the relevant field ORF.Sc 18-35 in at least 2nd Division.
03 Posts Matric in at least 2nd division with a valid HTVILTV license and having 5 years' experience of 18-40 driving heavy transport OR Literate with a valid HTV/LTV license and having 10 years experience of driving heavy Transport
02-Posts Preferably literate with at least 5 years experience of working in reputable hotels
Educated persons will be given preference
03 Posts Matriculate in atleast 2nd division OR literate with 05 years relevant experience.
1. The application form is available on university website The interested eligible candidates shall apply online and dully filled the application along with the attested copies of all testimonials, degrees/certificates DMCs, experience certificates and other required documents mentioned in application form should reach to Office of the undersigned on or before 22-06-2023 for inland candidates and 27-06-2023 for those applying from aboard,
2. Original Bank Receiptionline receipt (Non Refundable) of Rs.5000/- for Professor, Rs.4000/- for Associate Professor, Rs.2500/- for Assistant Professor, Rs.2000-for Lecturer, 1500 Rs. for serial No. 05-12, and for Rs. 1000 serial No. 13-20 must attach with application Form to be deposited in the name of Assistant Director Finance, the University of Veterinary & Animal Sciences Swat in Account Title THE UOVAS SWAT and No: 5203003004452304 in any branch of Bank of Khyber (BOK)
Candidates applying for serial No 1&2 should submit 04 sets of Application Form along with dossiers and one set of documents along with application form from serialno 03-20.
4. The candidate(s) already in service should apply through proper channel and are required to submit NOC.
5. Fresh hiring shall be made purely on Contributory Provident Fund (CPF) basis. In-service candidates hired from government or university shall be given pay protection, gratuity and other retirement benefits according to his previous department.
6. Incomplete application(s) form, missing documents or those which received after closing date shall not be accepted.
7. Written test will be conducted through testing agency or the University for the Positions at S.No.04-20
8. No document(s) will be accepted after the deadline even during the appeal time (if any).
9. Incomplete invalid documents and documents with ambiguity shall not be accepted.
10. The candidates will require to produce original documents at the time of interview.
11. Legal action will be taken if any of the submitted documents was found faked tampered
12. Candidate applying for more than one post need to submit separate application form fee for each post.
13. Candidates must have valid registration with PVMC except Biochemistry and English.
14. No TADA shall be paid for attending Test interview.
15. The University reserves the right not to fill any or all post(s).
16. List of Eligible candidates, date for testidemo interview will be displayed on university website.
17. Errors or Omission (if any) are liable to subsequent rectification by the University authorities.
18. Complete Application in all respect must reach via Courier to House No. 397, Sector C, Kanju Township, Swat. Application submitted by hand will not be
19. Any additional information required may be sought through phone No.0946-727334.
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