Ramadan Calendar 2025

Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar where Muslims all over world fast, pray and join together. It's a time for them to think about spiritual things deeply. It's a time of strong focus, shown by morning breakfast before the sun rises (Suhoor) and evening dinners when it gets dark (Iftar). Also, there is more praying and reading from the Quran.

Even though the specific days of Ramadan can change a bit each year because of moon phases, its general order stays about the same. The month usually has 29 or 30 days. Each day is for a specific part (para) of the Quran book.

Here's a quick peek into the Ramadan calendar:


The first ten days:

This time is called the "Mercy Days" and focuses on forgiving, caring for others, and asking Allah to bless us.


The middle ten days:

These are the "Days of Forgiveness," where Muslims focus on being sorry and asking for God's forgiveness.

The last ten days:

These are the most important days, ending with Laylat al-Qadr night. This is seen as a powerful and blessed time when good things happen. Eid al-Fitr, the happy event marking Ramadan's end comes right after.

During the month, Muslims don't eat or drink from sunrise to sunset. They also stop doing other things they enjoy in this world as part of their fasting practice. This act of giving up things is made to clean the heart, grow feelings for those in need and build a stronger link with God.

Ramadan is also a time to come together and be close as a group. Muslims come together for their Iftar meals, join in with special prayers and give away good deeds. The feeling of giving and caring fills the air, making everyone feel connected as a family.


Ramadan Calendar:

Daily Prayers:

The calendar helps to remember the five daily prayers. They are given more attention during Ramadan time.


Muslims use the calendar to know when they can't eat or drink between sunrise and sunset. They stay away from food, liquids, and other fun things during this time.

Quran Recitation:

Every day of Ramadan is meant for a certain part (para) in the Quran. The calendar helps Muslims finish reading the whole Quran during that month.

Community Events:

Mosques often set up special prayers, talks and evening meal meetings during Ramadan. The calendar helps people know about these events and join in the community feeling of the month.

Seher and Iftar Timing:

The calendar is used the see the seher timing and iftar timing during the Ramadan month.