District & Session Judge Kotli Azad Jammu Kashmir Jobs 2024 announce the Contract career opportunities for the post of See Below Ad in Azad Jammu Kashmir, Kotli for the fresh and experienced candidates on Contract basis who have Check Advertisement degree. Posted date of this post is 24/01/2024 and the last date is 31/01/2024. if you are eligible for this job apply before due date.
It is hereby advertised for information that there is a vacancy of Deputy Messenger in scale 01-B in this office.
Candidates having the following qualifications should submit their applications on 31-01-2024
Send to the undersigned during office hours.
Candidates are required to appear before the Selection Committee for Test Interview on 01-02-2024 at 09:00 AM in this office with the following conditions. A
Candidate should be a resident of Kotli district.
The educational qualification of the candidate should be middle.
Age of candidate should be 18 years to 40 years.
Already employed apply through your department.
Separate call letters will not be issued for test interview.
Applications received after the due date will not be considered.
No TADA will be given for interview.
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