Faisalabad Electric Supply Company Limited Jobs 2024 announce the Contract career opportunities for the post of See Below Ad in Punjab, Faisalabad for the fresh and experienced candidates on Contract basis who have Check Advertisement degree. Posted date of this post is 31/12/2024 and the last date is 15/01/2025. if you are eligible for this job apply before due date.
Apptions will enter frough FESCO web (www.tesco.com) The precitet parication form (which can be diventadad E500 signed by the candidawing documents shall be dapalhed through courier at the below mentioned a Copy of detalled updated Copies of Degrees, Educational Certificate&Tennissued by HEC recognod wenty Polydorovwhichever is relevant alongwith Experience Centficame andrea Lars by The wed by FEBCO Copyot CNC andrecent photograph
The applicants that beat and melea paterferan aspor prescobertavlees tut he/she crane pouin in accordance witta Farewell ale repr thevant prizes of the Schedule of the late Owned Enterprises Act, 2323 and Companies Act.2017
OTHER CONDITIONS INSTRUCTION 1.The goonsmutach with the decaderent
2.The oppikon is to be complote in FESCO intand/or nafon the candidatent co
1. The concicises steady win Govern Govt Autonomous Pubic Organic apply through oroper channel alonpwith NOC other daarteetant Head
4.cotarough competitive proos, heas shall have to rough foreNs/her present entrarly retirement from this her parent organizas the case may be, always PESCO Conditestbeered to produce a FESCO senegal the ente recrtment procres at any stage without Dionpoces
Director General (HR) TERCO-TUN Faisalabad Electric Supply Company (FESCO), West Canal Road.
Abdullahpur, Faisalabad. (041) 9220247, www.fesco.com.pk
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