Gajju Khan Medical College GKMC MTI Swabi Jobs 2024 announce the Contract career opportunities for the post of See Below Ad in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Swabi for the fresh and experienced candidates on Contract basis who have Check Advertisement degree. Posted date of this post is 22/11/2024 and the last date is 10/12/2024. if you are eligible for this job apply before due date.
1. Application form along with a cover letter, CV/Resume allested educational testimonial, CNIC, and Experience Certificate/s should be addressed to the Nursing Director.
The required documents should
2. Application must be in a sealed envelope, with the position applied for, clearly written shall be sentthrough Courier.
For any position, by hand application will not be entertained
Incomplete applications or those without bank deposit slips will not be entertained & shall standrejected
3Job application form is available on the website:
4. Any application/document received after the closing date/deadline shall stand rejected. No documentwith the application.will be accepted/changed/replaced once received along
5. The MT1 Swabi has the right to increase, decrease or cancel any or all of the positions advertised
6.In-service employees shall apply through proper channel, wherein upon selection, they will have to
resign from their current position
7.Recruitment and selection of appropriate candidates will be done with transparency & ment
B. In case of selection/ appointment the services of such candidate will be governed by the Khyber
Pakhtunkhwa Medical Teaching Institutions Reform Act 2015 (As Amended) and the rules and regulations framed there under
Only shortlisted candidates will be called for a Test/Interview.
9.(Aller Scrutiny if the number of candidates is more than 5:1 ratio of the required position (if the selection
committee decides so) a screening test will be conducted and those who qualify will be shortlasted for an
(The final passing score in the screening test wiil be decided by the selection committee and it will not
contribute to the final selection process)
10. The candidate shall provide the original documents/credentials at the time of the interview.
11 No TA/DA shall be admissible for the Test/Interview
12. Subsequent to the application, no further correspondence will be entertained regarding the selection
. Any candidate may bo disqualified and/or excluded from the interview if he/she was
(a) Convicted by the Court of law.
(b) Previous history of dismissal from any service.
(c) Knowingly furnishes any faise information or suppresses any information which may leed tohes/her disqualification
(e) Attempts to obtain support for his/her candidature by improper meansSubmita forged certificates tempers with the entries in his/her age, and documenta
(h) Mabehavior during the interview.
14. The application processing fee of Rs. 2500/- (for Sr #01) and Rs. 1000/- (for Sr #02) non-refundable,
must be deposited in the bank account number mentioned below as the case processing fee. The
onginal coposit Sip must be attached with the application form.
The applicant may koop a photocopy of
the deposit slip for his/her record.
15. Cheque/Pay order will not be acceptable
16. The salary of selected candidates will only be started after the verification of educational
documents/experience certificates.
The venfication fee will be paid by the selected candidate.
The selected candidate must willing to relocate in affiliated hospitals (THQ Topi & Lahor as perrequirement) Account Title: MTI-BKMC Swabi Other Sources ReceiptsAccount No: 3004026771 Bank of Khyber, Swabi (BranchCode#5202) Branch Name: MTI-BKMC Swabi Branch Bank Name: (BoK) NURSING DIRECTOR Medical Teaching Institution Bacha Khan Medical Complex/ Gajju Khan Medical College Shahmansoor Swabi
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