Local Government & Rural Development Department AJK Jobs announce the Contract career opportunities for the post of See Below Ad in Azad Jammu Kashmir, Muzaffarabad for the fresh and experienced candidates on Contract basis who have Check Advertisement degree. Posted date of this post is 27/03/2024 and the last date is 20/04/2024. if you are eligible for this job apply before due date.
The age of the candidates is between 18-40 years fixed by the government.
Applications on plain paper dated 20th April 2024 during office hours at Nizamat Ali Local Government Office.
Bank Square Chhatar Muzaffarabad Name Mr. Director General Local Government and Rural Development should be received. Certified copies of information such as Education Teacher, Certified Resident of the State, Missile, National Identity Card, Experience etc.
Enclosed request should be submitted along with the application / Pool order of Rs.300 in the name of your director, administration, local government Rural development will involve irreversibility.
Government servants will be eligible to apply through
Shortlisting of candidates can also be done in the light of merit made on the basis of prescribed educational qualification.
No action will be taken on the application received after the last date.
Candidates appearing for Nest/Interview will not be entitled to any package.
At the time of the interview, it is mandatory to bring the original documents, certificate or etc.
Candidates having originalDocuments will not be available Nest / will not be able to join the interview.
The number of posts can be reduced or increased.
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