Water And Power Development Authority Lahore Jobs 2024 announce the Contract career opportunities for the post of See Below Ad in Punjab, Lahore for the fresh and experienced candidates on Contract basis who have Check Advertisement degree. Posted date of this post is 30/07/2024 and the last date is 14/08/2024. if you are eligible for this job apply before due date.
General age relaxation of 05 years has already been included in the age limit.
3 years age relaxation shall be admissible to the candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes, Buddhist Community, Recognized Tribes of Tribal Areas, Gilgit Baltistan and Azad Kashmir. 03 years of age relaxation shall also be admissible to candidates belonging to Sindh (Rural) and Balochistan for the posts of BPS-15 & below only.
well as dismissed or debarred for future employment are not eligible to apply.
WAPDA reserves the right to withhold / cancel the recruitment process at any stage.
No TA/DA will be admissible to candidates for test / interview.
Applications carrying incomplete/incorrect information or received after last date shall be rejected.
Any information of candidates found bogus at any stage during induction or later in service shall result in termination thereof. How to Apply:
Candidates may visit M/S OTS website (www.ots.org.pk) for registration • 10 years of age relaxation shall be admissible to disabled persons applying and submission of applications within 15 days of publication of advertise- against disabled quota.
Upper age limit is relaxable upto 10 years for Govt. / WAPDA employees who have completed 02 years continuous regular service on the closing date of receipt of applications.
Age will be calculated as on last date of receipt of applications..
Candidates shall pay test fee of Rs. 200/- to OTS. Test fee shall be paid in any Branch of Bank Alfalah, HBL or ABL on prescribed Bank Challan form downloadable from website: www.ots.org.pk.
Candidate must specify the post against which he/she is applying.
The candidates already serving in WAPDA shall apply through WAPDA HR Candidates are required to send complete prescribed Division and submit requisite NOC / permission.
• Only children of WAPDA employees are entitled to apply against the quota reserved for WAPDA Employees Children. The children of employees of DISCOS, GENCOS, NTDC etc. are not entitled to apply against WAPDA Employees Children Quota.
Candidates applying under WAPDA Employee's Children Quota (ECQ) must submit the following requisite documents at the time of interview:
a. Affidavit on non-judicial stamp paper from WAPDA Employee and Certificate from the concerned WAPDA office that no son/daughter has already been employed under WAPDA ECQ in the past.
b. Documentary proof of employment of Father / Mother in WAPDA.
application form along with attested copies of all educational documents, domicile certificate, CNIC and relevant docu- ments experience certificates, two recent passport size photographs as well as original fee Challan through courier service / Pakistan Post etc. to; Manager Operations (WAPDA) Open Testing Service, Office No.1, Central Avenue, Bahria Town Phase-VI, Islamabad.
Candidates will be informed through text message by OTS regarding roll no. slips, test centers, test date, timing etc. Applications submitted by hand entertained.
received after due date shall not be
After applying for post(s), applicants are advised to regularly check Testing Agency website: www.ots.org.pk for important announcement (procedure for roll number slip / written test schedule / result etc.) related to recruitment against
• Govt. employees may apply through proper channel and submit requisite NOC / permission. Educational Certificates Degrees must be verified from HEC Recognized applied posts. Universities Concerned Boards / Institutes.
Original documents shall be presented by the candidates at the time of interview. The initial appointment shall be on probation for a period of 01 year and regularization subject to satisfactory performance. However, the services may For any information / query regarding application, test, roll no. slip, test center, result etc., candidates may contact OTS at +92 051 111 687 222, 051-8851008 or info@ots.org.pk.
Director (Recruitment) WAPDA B-26, WAPDA House, Lahore, - Email: dgrectt@wapda.gov.pk. 042-99200483
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