District Health Authority Mandi Bahauddin Jobs 2023 announce the Contract career opportunities for the post of See Below Ad in Punjab, Mandi Bahauddin for the fresh and experienced candidates on Contract basis who have Check Advertisement degree. Posted date of this post is 31/05/2023 and the last date is 15/06/2023. if you are eligible for this job apply before due date.
As per government policy there will be a uniform relaxation of five (05) years in the upper age limit for all posts. Age will be determined from the last date of application. Salary will be given as per Shade Dil 2022 issued by Government of Punjab. Other post-deployment conditions will be as per the proposed rules and regulations of the Government and post-deployment
will be listed in the order. Government of Punjab Primary and Secondary Health Care Department Guideline No. (Under 11-No. SO (EP & C) 6-5/2023 (MISC dated 17.03.2023 upper age limit shall be 18-33 years for males and 18-35 years for females).
Applicants must enter their mobile number on the application to be contacted. Interview will be held on 28.06.2023 at 10:30 AM at the office of Chief Executive Officer, District Health Authority, Mandi Bahauddin.
During the interview, all these hopefuls must be aware of their origin
bring All the applications already submitted are cancelled, all the aspirants should submit their applications as per the above mentioned conditions in the office of the District Health Authority. Note: No call letter will be issued separately for interview, nor will any (TA & DA) be given.
District candidates will be recruited on the basis of merit. Education teacher certified by a gazetted officer / Details of marks obtained Sir certificate and experience Sir Mailkit Domicile, National Identity Card and other documents Friday application to the office of Chief Executive Officer District Health Authority, Mandi Bahauddin by 15.06.2023 To be received during office hours.
Aspirants submit their handwritten application on plain paper.
Any application received incomplete or after the due date will not be processed. Applications received prior to this publication will not be entertained.