Municipal Committee Okara Punjab Jobs 2023 announce the Contract career opportunities for the post of See Below Ad in Punjab, Okara for the fresh and experienced candidates on Contract basis who have Check Advertisement degree. Posted date of this post is 07/12/2023 and the last date is 22/12/2023. if you are eligible for this job apply before due date.
1. The said recruitment will be purely on project / contract basis for a period of 02 years and there will be no right to be permanent on these posts. etc. will not be included.
3. Candidates should receive 20 recent passport size photographs, educational qualification, computerized identity card, domicile certificate, driving license and attested copies of experience by 22-12-2023.
4. Original documents (ID Card, Domicile, Credentials and License etc.) will be checked during the interview along with driving test for driver vacancies.
5- The applicant must write the name of the vacancy on his application.
6. The upper age limit will be calculated till the last date of receipt of applications.
7. Employees of Government, Semi-Government Autonomous Organizations should send applications through their respective departments.
8. Incomplete and applications received after the due date will be rejected.
9. The decision of the selection committee will be final and cannot be challenged in any court.
10. The institution shall have the power to cancel all recruitments without assigning any reason, which shall not be challenged in any court or forum.
11. Interview will be held on 2024-01-02 at 11:00 AM at Municipal Committee Okara.
12. If at any time it is proved that the educational credentials or other related documents of the candidate are fake, then the recruitment of the candidate will be null and void from the beginning and all the salary and benefits earned by the candidate will have to be returned to the institution and the institution will be against the candidate. It will also be authorized to take legal action.
Note: All applications made before this advertisement will be considered cancelled. Every hope will submit a warranty claim.
Chief Officer Advertised AdministratorMunicipal Committee Okara
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